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The Essential Guide to Amharic is a 200+ pages of grammar, phrases, and vocabulary for the national language of Ethiopia. All translations are spelled phonetically, as well as in the Amharic alphabet. The vocabulary section is organized by topic; greetings, foods, furniture, politics, occupations etc. There are over 200 verb definitions with simple conjugation. The grammar section includes in-depth information on how to conjugate verbs in the past, present and future; using adjectives, pluralizing words, asking questions, punctuation, and much more.
The Essential Guide to Amharic is a 200+ pages of grammar, phrases, and vocabulary for the national language of Ethiopia. All translations are spelled phonetically, as well as in the Amharic alphabet. The vocabulary section is organized by topic; greetings, foods, furniture, politics, occupations etc. There are over 200 verb definitions with simple conjugation. The grammar section includes in-depth information on how to conjugate verbs in the past, present and future; using adjectives, pluralizing words, asking questions, punctuation, and much more.

The Essential Guide to Amharic : The National Language of Ethiopia

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
SKU: 9781935925651
  • Tedross, Andrew

  • Paperback


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.