Black people will only win battles if we are willing to stand up and fight. This requires that scholars, activists, pastors and leaders from all walks of life must create powerful, action-oriented voices that lead to the change we desire to see both in America and abroad.Dr Boyce Watkins is one of the leading voices in the diaspora and one of the most profound black thinkers in history. His audience reaches over 5 million people per week and he is one of the most thought-provoking and courageous commentators the world has ever seen. Building from two decades of teaching at the college level, Dr Watkins freely gives of his wisdom and expertise to the black community in ways that are shifting the definition of what it means to be a black scholar in America. In this book, Dr Watkins chronicles a series of essays which define his thinking as one of the engineers of the Great Economic Awakening that has taken place in the African American community over the last several years. He also speaks to various socio-political issues which reflect the realities of being black in America. Consistent and focused, Dr Watkins has written letters and articles to black America on a daily basis, holding nothing back in his passionate and structured plea for black intellectual strength, focus and spiritual sovereignty. In other words, he is always encouraging our people to THINK.
Life is What You Bake It
Vallery Lomas