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This book brings together the creative writings of some 20 Hispanophone women of African descent as well as the interpretive writings of some 15 literary critics. Several genres are combined including poetry, short stories, essays, excerpts from novels and personal narratives to create a unique anthology.

Featured writes include: Virginia Brindis de Salas, Carmen Colón Pellot, Julia de Burgos, Aida Cartagena Portalatín, Marta Rojas, Eulalia Bernard, Georgina Herrera, Lourdes Casal, Argentina Chiriboga, Nancy Morejón, Excilia Saldaña, Beatriz Santos, Maria Nsue Angüe, Sherezada (Chiqui) Vicioso, Soleida Ríos, Edelma Zapata Pérez, Yvonne-América Truque, Cristina Cabral, Shirley Campbell, Mayra Santos-Febres.

Daughters of the Diaspora: Afra-Hispanic Writers

SKU: 9789766370770